Symptoms Survey


Select the number that applies to you. If a symptom does not apply, select N/A for that symptom. The Next button to proceed to the following section will appear when each symptom has been addressed.

1MILD symptom (occurs rarely)
2MODERATE symptom (occurs several times a month)
3SEVERE symptom (occurs almost constantly)


Group 1

Acid foods upset
Get chilled often
"Lump" in throat
Dry mouth, eyes, nose
Pulse speeds after meal
Keyed up, fail to calm
Gag occasionally
Unable to relax, startle easily
Extremities cold, clammy
Strong light irritates
Occasionally weak urine flow
Heart pounds after retiring
"Nervous" stomach
Appetite reduced occasionally
Cold sweats often
Get heated easily
Nerve discomfort
Staring, blink little
Sour stomach frequent

Group 2

Joint stiffness after arising
Muscle, leg, toe cramps at night
"Butterfly" stomach, cramps
Eyes or nose watery
Eyes blink often
Eyelids swollen, puffy
Indigestion soon after meals
Always seem hungry, feel "lightheaded" often
Digestion rapid
Vomit occasionally
Hoarseness frequent
Uneven breathing
Pulse slow
Gagging reflex slow
Difficulty swallowing
Temporary constipation or diarrhea
"Slow starter"
Get "chilled"
Perspire easily
Sensitive to cold
Upper respiratory challenges

Group 3

Eat when nervous
Excessive appetite
Hungry between meals
Irritable before meals
Get "shaky" if hungry
Fatique, eating relieves
"Lightheaded" if meals delayed
Heart palpitates if meals are missed or delayed
Fatigue in afternoon
Overeating sweets upsets
Awaken after few hours sleep, hard to get back to sleep
Crave candy or coffee in afternoon
Moods of "blues" or melancholy
Craving for sweets or snacks

Group 4

Hands and feet go to sleep easily, numbness
Sigh frequently, "air hunger"
Aware of "breathing heavily"
High-altitude discomfort
Open windows in closed room
Immune system challenges
Afternoon "yawner"
Get "drowsy" often
Swollen ankles worse at night
Muscle cramps, worse during exercise; get "charley horse"
Difficulty catching breath, especially during exercise
Tightness or pressure in chest, worse on exertion
Skin discolors easily after impact
Tendency to anemia
Noises in head or "ringing in ears"
Fatigue upon exertion

Group 5

Dry skin
Burning feet
Blurred vision
Itching skin and feet
Hair loss
Occasional skin rashes
Bitter, metallic taste in mouth in morning
Occasional constipation
Worrier, feels insecure
Nausea occasionally after eating
Greasy foods upset
Stools light-colored
Skin peels on foot soles
Discomfort between shoulder blades
Occasional laxative use
Stools alternate from soft to watery
Sneezing attacks
Dreaming, nightmare-type bad dreams
Bad breath (halitosis)
Milk products cause upset
Sensitive to hot weather
Burning or itching anus
Crave sweets

Group 6

Loss of taste for meat
Lower bowel gas several hours after eating
Burning stomach sensations, eating relieves
Coated tongue
Pass large amounts of foul-smelling gas
Indigestion 1/2-1 hour after eating; may be up to 3-4 hours after
Watery or loose stool
Gas shortly after eating
Stomach "bloating"

Group 7A

Difficulty sleeping
On edge
Can't gain weight
Intolerance to heat
Highly emotional
Flush easily
Night sweats
Thin, moist skin
Inward trembling
Heart races
Increased appetite without weight gain
Pulse fast at rest
Eyelids and face twitch
Irritable and restless
Can't work under pressure

Group 7B

Increase in weight
Decrease in appetite
Fatigue easily
Ringing in ears
Sleepy during day
Sensitive to cold
Dry or scaly skin
Temporary constipation
Mental sluggishness
Hair coarse, falls out
Tension in head upon arising wears off during day
Slow pulse below 65
Changing urinary function
Sounds appear diminished
Reduced initiative

Group 7C

Failing memory with age
Increased sex drive
Episodes of tension in head
Decreased sugar tolerance

Group 7D

Abnormal thirst
Bloating of abdomen
Weight gain around hips or waist
Sex drive reduced or lacking
Tendency for stomach issues
Immune system challenges
Menstrual disorders

Group 7E

Hot flashes
Hair growth on face or body (female)
Sugar in urine (not diabetes)
Masculine tendencies (female)

Group 7F

Weakness, dizziness
Tired throughout day
Nails weak, ridged
Sensitive skin
Stiff joints
Perspiration increase
Bowel discomfort
Poor circulation
Swollen ankles
Crave salt
Areas of skin darkening
Upper respiratory sensitivity
Breathing challenges

Group 8

Muscle weakness
Lack of stamina
Drowsiness after eating
Muscular soreness
Heart races
Feeling of a band around head
Melancholia (feeling of sadness)
Swelling of ankles
Change in urinary function
Tendency to consume sweets/carbohydrates
Muscle spasms
Blurred vision
Involuntary muscle action
Night sweats
Rapid digestion
Sensitivity to noise
Redness of palms of hands and bottom of feet
Visible veins on chest and abdomen
Apprehension (feeling that something bad is going to happen)
Nervousness causing loss of appetite
Nervousness with indigestion
Thinning hair

Female Only

Very easily fatigued
Premenstrual tension
Menses more painful than usual
Depressed feelings before menstruation
Painful breasts during menses
Menstruate too frequently
Hysterectomy/ovaries removed
Menopausal hot flashes
Menses scanty or missed
Acne, worse at menses

Male Only

Less involved in exercise/social activites
Difficult to postpone urination
Weak urinary stream
Feeling of "blues" or melancholy
Feeling of incomplete bowel evacuation
Lack of energy
Muscles in arms and legs seem softer/smaller
Tire too easily
Avoid activity
Leg nervousness at night
Diminished sex drive

IMPORTANT | Please list below the five main physical complaints you have in order of their importance.


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